José Luiz Tejon

In the middle of a war between 3 powers, forecasting red accounts until 2026, Brasil needs the 4th power, urgently!

Publicado em 25/04/2024

Time for the 4th Power to appear!

Published on 04/22/2024


Time for the 4th Power to appear!

“Democracy is the best system of government, and now, civil society must organise itself. The global rule is that whoever is organized will develop, whoever is not will not! That's why I no longer trust only the government”, words from Alysson Paulinelli (in memorian), Minister of Agriculture in the 70s, directly to me, on December 7, 2017, city of Janaúba, Minas Geraes, Brasil.

So, sequentially of polarisation, it´s clear many wars involving the 3 branches of power, Legislative, Executive and Judiciary authorities.

These are conflicts that push to the point of involving powers from other countries to take part in such polarisations and more, including in our own destiny, prominent characters such as Elon Musk.

No doubt,  time has come for the 4th Power  make a decision for a steady and definitive action over this key matter.

Brasilian business confederations constitute the group that generates the country's GDP.

Concerning agribusiness, industry, commerce, goods and services sector, jointed to the agriculture are responsible for 1/3 of the Brasilian GDP.

Therefore, I ask , based on the declaration of  the Brasilian agriculture hero, the above mentioned , Minister Alysson Paulinelli - in memorian -  if  we haven´t  yet reached the unavoidable time to bring together, at least, the main  national confederations, such as Agricultural , Industry, Commerce, Finance, working hand in hand with Cooperatives, Transport, Health and Services?

There would be eight leaders, who properly teamed, could trace a more adequate plan for Brasilian GDP growth and development.

I am referring to an integrated project, reissuing in a broader way the proactive initiative carried out a few years ago led by Renovabio.

Bringing together the industrial sector, agriculture, science, services and commerce, alongside the Brasilian government, this project signaled goals and directions for the biofuels sector.

Brasil doesn´t deserve to be guided by discord, polarisation and misinformation, to the extreme point where we become hypnotised by internal ideological and political-party conflicts, including personal egos.

Unacceptable facing our extraordinary wealth, full of potential in a unique country, recognised worldwide as a food power, energy and flabbergasting environmental resources.

The union of organised civil society, which produces and builds the Brasilian GDP, needs to assume its leadership role, so that we can have a strong, economic and business command, and then, in conjunction with the governmental proactive sectors. 

Referring to Brasilian agribusiness itself,  we´re in the need of strong connection with science, through Embrapa, agronomic institutes and universities. Through these important institutions, it´s plain to forecast we will be able to draw a rightful national state plan.

So,I ask, why not a goal good enough to focus on doubling our national GDP, generating jobs, development, enhancing public health care, fair incomes and  life dignity for all Brasilian citizens?

It's time for the 4th Power show up its face, all together, joining an integrated strategic plan, for Brasil.

The other 3 powers mentioned, are in the need of the 4th Power  than ever before! And it´s  urgent!

As we´re used to saying in Brasil: “ It´s for yesterday !”

José Luiz Tejon for Eldorado/Estadão

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