José Luiz Tejon

Brazilian women win gold at the Olympics

Publicado em 15/08/2024

Four great athletes: Beatriz Souza, Rebeca Andrade, and the beach volleyball duo Duda and Ana

At the AgriOlympics, they will stand out and be successful at the 9th National Congress of Agribusiness Women

Published on 0 12th August2024 – Eldorado/Estadão - Brasil

*By José Luiz Tejon

An interesting highlight was the performance of Brazilian women at the Paris Olympics, where they won all three gold medals (four great athletes: Beatriz Souza, Rebeca Andrade, and the beach volleyball duo Duda and Ana).

It´s flabbergasting that 60% of all medals won were also won by women. In the United States, 26 of the 40 gold medals won, or 65%, were also won by women. Here in Brazil, women have increasingly become protagonists in our Tropical Agri Olympics, where Technology, Overcoming Productivity, environmental challenges and climate change are demands similar to the high Olympic rigors. Our Agri Warriors stand out for accelerating innovation, their commitment to succession, and their extreme concern for the environment, animal welfare, entrepreneurship, and cooperatives. Fortunately, in each Brazilian region, a group of women in agriculture is emerging, and the 9th National Congress of Women in Agribusiness will take place on October 23 and 24, a proposal by Brazilian women in agriculture – A voice for the world.

Brazilian researchers will be highlighted, showing the impact of their researches on the entire planet; while cooperatives will highlight their global presence, and the goal of doubling the size of agriculture in the next 12 to 15 years will be discussed with national and international leaders.

Mr. Carlos Fávaro, our Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, has already confirmed his presence and will bring part of his female team to the event that will take place at the Transamerica Expocenter, on October 23 and 24 of this year, in the capital of São Paulo, Brazil.

In other words, the protagonism of women in the Olympics and, in the same way, increasingly in the Agri Olympics, where production and productivity records need to be surpassed with each harvest and rotation of livestock, is simply fantastic. And all of this is under the Olympic Ethics of sustainability.

Congratulations to the Brazilian Olympic athletes, especially women.

Agriculture is increasingly becoming a global Olympic competition, including the fight against hunger, social inequality, and the planet's health as a single concept.

Congratulations to the Brazilian Agri Women – A voice for the world!

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