José Luiz Tejon

Marcello Brito's nomination for High-Level Climate Champion COP–30 has the endorsement of the Brazilian National Agri leadership

Publicado em 21/11/2024

Marcello Brito's nomination for High-Level Climate Champion COP–30

Published on 11/18/2024 – Agroconsciente – Rádio Estadão – Brazil

The 30th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP–30), to be held between November 10 and 21, 2025, in Belém, state of Pará, Amazon, Brazil, brings the essential function of electing the High-Level Climate Champion, that is, the nomination of a Brazilian authority who represents this entire Agri-environmental, Sustainable and Agroeconomic movement.

I am here with the admired Mr. Roberto Rodrigues, Emeritus Professor at FGV (Getulio Vargas University Foundation) and ESALQ-USP (Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture-Sao Paulo University), ambassador of cooperative at FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations).

Everyone involved in Brazilian Agribusiness knows his professional history, particularly his impressive mandate as Minister of Brazilian Agriculture.

I asked him about the significance of COP–30 and the nomination of Mr. Marcello Brito, who has the endorsement from agricultural Brazilian leadership, and here’s what he shared:

“COP–30 will be crucial for Brazil because dignitaries worldwide will gather to seek and establish agricultural production models that align with their commercial interests and needs. This will likely result in significant pressure on Brazil. Therefore, it is essential for the authority you´ve mentioned to have a strong understanding of Agriculture, Sustainability, and a fair perspective on development processes and production systems.” And Mr. Marcello Brito is the man with this important background. He´s a rural producer, has already presided over ABAG (Brazilian Agribusiness Association), has an in-depth knowledge of the Amazon where he built his entire life, and is a COP (Conference of The Parts) of Amazonas and Brazil. Therefore, Brazilian agribusiness needs to be represented by someone with deep knowledge of the sector, and Mr. Marcello Brito fits that role perfectly. This understanding. that Mr. Marcello acts as a director of companies admired by NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations). This is clear reflected in his admirable expertise, for example, at Agropalma (the largest producer and exporter of sustainable palm oil in the Americas), where he held an Executive Position, a fascinating skill, with the approval of the main NGOs in the world".

To conclude, I asked Mr. Roberto Rodrigues what would be his expectations for COP-30 and whether it would be a show, to which he replied:

“It has to be a show! We have to showcase the best we have, I mean Brazilian Agribusiness, Sustainability in grain production, Modernly produced meat, and Biofuels which are an extraordinary stepping stone in reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Brazilian agribusiness has remarkable attributes that make it more relevant than ever on the global stage.

We need to highlight this advantage, and those with access to various sectors can help amplify our message. Marcello Brito exemplifies this, as he´s involved with NGOs, Agribusiness Institutions, the government, and academia, giving him a comprehensive understanding of all segments. His leadership is vital for us moving forward".

Thank you, Mr. Roberto Rodrigues! We are here at Agroconsciente spreading your word: Brazil, the country of peace.

*José Luiz Tejon – PhD in Education-Universidad de La Empresa/Uruguay. Master's degree in Art Education and History of Culture – Mackenzie University. Journalist and Publicist - Harvard, MIT and PACE/USA/Insead in France Specialisation Academic Coordinator of Master Science Food & Agribusiness Management at Audencia in Nantes/France and FECAP/ Brazil. Managing Partner at Biomarketing and TCA International. Professional Head at Agro Anefac.  Writer author and co-author of 37 books. Agro Personality Award 2023. ABAG.  Former director of Grupo Estadão, Agroceres and Jacto S/A.

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