José Luiz Tejon

Bullying: a sadistic art that belongs to the malevolent.

Publicado em 04/05/2024

José Luiz Tejon, infância.

Published on 04/30/2024

"The worst bullying in the world is the one you feel against yourself".

The 3 key secrets to face bullying, “ here, there and everywhere”.

Secret number 1: for dealing with bullying: the Courage.

Do not fear bullying, because the greater your fear of this demonic and sadistic art, the greater the degree of attraction of this vile energy seems to be.

Secret number 2: never generalise by thinking bullying against you is the evil intention of the majority. No, it is not.

Those who commit and feel pleasure in the act of bullying represent a small percentage of a community, a school, or anywhere else.

Secret number 3: You have friends! Actually, you can have many friends who are the greatest allies against those perverse people who develop the psychopathic pleasure of seeing and watching others suffering. And it will be exactly your friends and the vast majority of other people who will no longer remain indifferent, or behave like mere assistants in the face of the humiliating scenes present in Bullying.

And what is my authority to address this topic? I will tell you so!

I bring up this topic with the authority from whom has lived, since I was 4 years old, with a face completely burned, unable to hide the stains and destruction of a third-degree burning, which as a result, exposed me to the curious eyes of people, wherever I went.

Yes, I spent my childhood and youth having a burnt, ugly face, impossible to hide, spending much of my childhood under medical care in public hospitals, while studying at public schools, and toying on the streets of my homeland, the city of Santos, a paradisiacal island on the coast of the State of São Paulo, Brasil.

This real life, in the broadest sense of the word, was the driving force that catapulted me towards excellent academic training, a master's degree, and, practically, a doctorate in strengthening my inner reserves of strength, in overcoming the acts of bullying that ranged from superficial and playful, even to those that poisoned the soul, for example when hearing someone says phrases such as:  " your mother didn't want you and, that's why she threw you away on the fire!" or even in a more "vile" way like: " you´re a devil´s son! look at your face, barbecue from hell!".

So, I know very well what bullying means. And I mean it!

And I also know that, unlike you who, may have suffered or are suffering from this type of atrocity, you should know that the majority of human beings aren´t part of this poor percentage of malevolent hallucinators. Quite the opposite! Bullying practitioners make up a small portion of mentally ill, malevolent beings.

Anyway, the worst bullying in the world is that one you feel inside yourself, I mean that one you accept passively, without the appropriate fighting.

You have friends who, on the contrary of the malevolent ones, identify with you, root for you and admire you based on who you are, and not on your appearance, whether a fatty body, scars, ethnicity or a burned face.

Therefore, try to join the good, the benevolent, I mean, those with spotless nature and character, capable of recognising your potential, genius, and competence. There is your real legion, blessed persons capable of further enhancing your Inner Strength.

And, concerning the Maleficent Legion of Bullying”, the measly 2%, 3%, at most 5% of those who love to bully, pay attention to them and you will find out that these are the most suffering, miserable, failed, family-unstructured, unloved and, deep down, the saddest and most incompetent of all!

So, Ignore them! Your indifference to bullying and to those who practice it, consists of the most powerful of all arts for your protection and growth in life.

No bullying to me!

And I ask:  where are those few malevolent people who loved to make use of my apparent fragility as a child and my ugly, burnt face?

They simply disappeared, evaporated, consumed by evil feelings that lived or still live within their hearts and souls, leading them to a life marked by failure in every way. This is an unhealing, undisguisable scar!

I feel sorry for everyone who feels pleasure in bullying, whether at school, college, at work, or anywhere, because I know, deep inside, from personal experience, that they are the most unfortunate people on earth! Yes, extremely unhappy, because they don't even need a deformed face to become so ugly!

These unfortunate people already bear the lethal ugliness of evil, stamped on their souls, and no surgery could heal it.

José Luiz Tejon. Professor Doctor

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