José Luiz Tejon

Digital Cooperative under Artificial Intelligence: for an increasingly analog world

Publicado em 24/07/2024

Divulgação TCAI
Prof. Dr. José Luiz Tejon

*Dr. Tejon Word's

From now on, there will be no chance of Agribusiness management without using Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technology. However, why are there a quotation marks in the phrase “For an increasingly analogue world?”

The rector of Mauá Institute of Technology university Center, Brazil, Professor Doctor José Carlos de Souza Jr., during a debate over the digitalisation in the countryside, stated that “digital technology is at the service of an increasingly analogue world, because between 0 and 00001 remains the infinity. Between algorithm Y versus X, there is infinity and the acceleration of human sensitivity which, from now on, needs to be exponential.”

For the next 10 years, the new cooperative must be transformed into one with artificial intelligence and digital technology. And this does not mean human replacement in cooperativism, quite the contrary, it will mean a capillarity full of human dignity for everyone.

By assuming a digital cooperative, we will be committing to the possibility of all members having access and being successful in managing controllable factors.

We will be substantially reducing, from now on, the distances between those most qualified and full of skills and others with less vocation and gift for this inexorable administration formula

And we will allow the development of overcoming attitudes so that the universe of cooperative members prospers, within a game that now demands precision. Nanotechnology already comes to the cooperative member encoded in the new seed, in animal genetics, in a highly evolved state of the applied art of science in environments, in the micro biomes of each rural property.

And at the other end of the agribusiness system, end consumers will connect and contact their originators of food, energy, fibers, and flowers, in a conscious agriprogress, where health, in a broad aspect, becomes the new synthesis of this entire agroindustrial complex which it is, with no doubt, the biggest business on the planet.

Cooperatives, as they are a house of human essence that understands the thread of history, transforming the bitterness of life into healthy values. They also ensure for all their members the potential of management and decision-making based on information processed at the “speed of light”, creating centres for technological management, digital assistance, and training, which will pay attention to the vision of the already mentioned Dr. José Carlos from the Mauá de Tecnology institute.

Cooperatives will integrate digital and artificial intelligence models and the biggest challenge, from what I gather, will be the development of all cooperative families, cooperative teams, technicians, suppliers, and customers, bringing them all to dialogue with the algorithms, always concerning the infinity that exists there, between each impact that the system reveals.

The increasingly Analogue World can be represented by a distant consumer located on the other side of the world, taking with his own hands, a packaging of a Lar Coop product, like what I´ve received in the photo that Mr.Diogo Sezar, Vice President of Lar Coop (Agro Industrial Cooperative), has sent me recently.

Or even in the conversation I had with Mr. Alexandre Dal Forno, director of TIM, at the Agrievolution event, when it became obvious the need for the existence of a “sign” as a mandatory basis for the more than 1 million cooperative members in the country, and which would be the fair attraction for the inclusion of millions of other small properties, currently excluded from the market and technology, I mean, excluded from a dignified life and the future of cooperatives for all, without exceptions.

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Cooperative, from the depth of Science to the human dignity of “a Digital World, increasingly Analogous in the heart of the matter".


Speaker specializing in Agribusiness and editorial member of MundoCoop. PhD in Education-Universidad de La Empresa/Uruguay. Master's degree in Art Education and History of Culture - Mackenzie University. Journalist and Publicist - Harvard, MIT and PACE/USA / Insead in France
Specialisation Academic Coordinator of Master Science Food & Agribusiness Management at Audencia in Nantes/France and FECAP/ Brazil. Managing Partner at Biomarketing and TCA International. Professional Head at Agro Anefac.  Writer author and Co-author of 35 books. Agro Personality Award 2023. ABAG. Former director of Grupo Estadão, Agroceres and Jacto S/A.

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