José Luiz Tejon

Either we put together this “ LEGO” or the parts won´t work it out

Publicado em 09/04/2024

The set of buildings Ministries, Brasilia DF (Brazil)

By José Luiz Tejon, to Eldorado/Estadão - National Agribusiness Policy. Published on 04/03/2024


Over the last 40 years, we have seen the recurrence of old themes being brought up for debates and discussions, many even inflammatory and with ideological and political tones, others addressing Science and great intentions. However, everyone still insists on not being resolved. We recently had an excellent presentation at the Superior Council of Agribusiness (Cosag) of FIESP (Federation of Industry of the State of São Paulo) which brought to light the storage deficit in Brazil, pointing out that practically half of the Brasilian harvest is left in the open, or for long periods in truck along the roads.

Another essential topic discussed was Rural Insurance, which, each climate crisis appears like a thunderstorm.

Along with these two topics, always at the forefront of attention, comes the old subject of Brazilian logistics, which involves serious issues, such as bureaucracy, irrigation, commercialisation, non-modernised ports, etc. The themes are placed on the table, each one as if they were  pieces of Lego, but in disarray, whose importance doesn't fit together and doesn't form a game (actually it doesn't close the puzzle), the parts don´t play together.

In fact, the concept of agribusiness, the book from Harvard professors John Davis and Ray Goldberg, was written in 1957 and, on its last page, literally, they came to the conclusion that “the agribusiness approach is a means to the solution to food and fiber problems and also the combination of many partial responses in the context, combining an inside and outside agricultural holding, in a National Agribusiness Policy, that must constitute a policy that, in turn, harmonizes and reinforces our national economic objectives. Otherwise, provisional emergencial measures may become permanent policies due to a lack of better responses.” This is how the book Agribusiness Concepts - a word on the lips of everyone involved in agriculture nowadays - ends its 218 pages, in 1957, and points to the urgent need for a National Agribusiness Policy.

This vision, which becomes a mission, means bringing together organized civil Society with Science, governmental sectors, Education and the search for a commitment to the economic, social and environmental evolution of the country, with important impacts on the national GDP and dignity life of Brasilian citizens, uniting the links between rural producers and final consumers.

And there are successful examples to inspire us: IBA – Brazilian Tree Industry, having Paulo Hartung as president, The cotton sector, cooperativism, Renovabio, orange juice, Cecafe, are some standed out examples. We can, through effort, unity and understanding, double the Brazilian GDP, and a National Agribusiness Policy will be of vital magnitude.

I´ve interviewed Paulo Hartung, nowadays president of IBA, a sector that has one of the most advanced systemic equations, under an exemplary model that integrates the countryside with an evolved agroindustry and modern logistics. Their program, in the fuel sector, is also an example to be accurate followed.

The cotton sector, that was almost extinct, has been restored and, from the position of second largest importer in the world, has reemerged as the second largest exporter.

The Brazilian cooperative model is similarly very stimulating to be brought together with the other pieces in assembling this important “Lego” and a National Agribusiness Policy.

The Brasilian industrial sector will have this Wednesday, in Brasília, DC, at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Development, the installation of the Working Group for the Sector Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change – industry sector.  So, why don't we bring together the entire agro-industrial sector?

We already have excellent examples and great opportunities in Brazil, and bringing together all these important pieces would certainly allow us to see a clear objective of doubling Brazil's GDP in the next 12 years. We are in the need of a National Agribusiness Policy, which will be essential for family farming and to free a huge number of Brazilians from poverty and hunger.

No doubts that our Paulista and Faria Lima avenues, essential arteries of the national economy, will also have a lot to celebrate. The whole world will like it!




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