José Luiz Tejon

The moment decides your life. The 7 Powerful Laws of Moments

Publicado em 10/10/2024


Perfil Magazine-Brazil

*José Luiz Tejon

Have you ever heard the expression: “Wow, it was a close call” or “It was the last straw”? And, for a more romantic moment, have you ever been surprised by the power of “love at first sight” as The Beatles quoted in their eternal song “With a Little Help from my Friends”?

Moments decide our lives! Thus, the first powerful law of this formula is:

  1. Don´t doubt: Your life is being decided every moment. Pay extra attention: either you seize each moment or it disappears at a speed greater than the light speed, which anticipates and precedes the speed of your thought. So, always be alert: the moment decides your life.

Law number 2: involves four human attitudes toward life:

a) Those who are never where they should be live disconnected in body, soul, and spirit, from real connection: so be very careful with the media and social networks!

b) Those who are connected but remain indifferent, unable to see the connections of each instant with their lives.

c) Those who are connected but capture the “abyssal side of instants”, the sources that suck human entropy.

d) I am talking about the living individuals who are in touch with reality and have the ability to seize the present moment in humanity's ongoing evolution. These are the ones who understand and can harness syntropic algorithms, which are the force that triumphs over entropy.

So, dear readers, we have so far: 

Law 1 – The instant decides your life;

Law 2 – don´t remain indifferent, don´t remain absent from the world here that exists to be experienced in its maximum potentiality; don´t be indifferent to the evidence of Cause and Effect of each instant, and join the Instantaneous Creative Forces of Syntropy versus the Destroying Instants of Entropy.

Law 3 – we discover the third Law when we answer the following question: “What are the two most important days of my life?” The first is easy to answer: The day I was born. The second though requires deep reflection, right now, at this very moment: “When shall I discover the purpose of my birth?”

If you cannot find this answer, it is a sign that you have not been capturing these Moments. So, it would help if you practiced looking, listening, feeling, and perceiving each moment in advance, starting from the moment you read this text.

The moments, the accumulated sum of them, duly perceived, will reveal the meaning of our lives. And you will understand that “Overcoming” has as a rule, a challenge: “Its solution is already born in the core of what makes Overcoming undesirable”. Therefore, abandon the concepts of Luck and Bad Luck!

Each moment carries within it the omnivorous desire to be perfected.

Law 4 - Moments are not selective of time, place, person, or circumstances

Moments are emitted at an instantaneous frequency where our neurons live as if they were permanently immersed in an effervescent magma. They jump around and compete for our hunger and desire to capture them in a project that precedes our conception; they live within gestation and establish themselves after birth.

So, either you discover that you´re an Ultra Sensitivity antenna, which can capture moments and filter them, or you may be completely guided and manipulated not by your own life, but by transmitters that define and decide every inconvenience of your existence.

It is important to remember that we are accountable for the evolution of the Ascension Energy Quality in those around us. This means we must seek guidance from our mentors and make tangible decisions.

Law 5 – The editing of the Moments in our mind and soul will depend on us, except in early childhood.

Children are open antennas and completely exposed to every Moment. There is no predefined formula for filtering and educating a child about the daily attractions of each moment that provokes and stimulates them.

It is necessary to allow the child, at early age, to be a receiver of all these signals and to educate them for choices, and the transformation of the Entropic instant into a Syntropic act.

Early childhood is sacred and parents, mothers, or guardians, who don´t have this awareness of the educating love, cannot be named “responsible”.

Law 6 – It is forbidden to doubt your destiny and it is not allowed to be afraid, because your destiny is written by yourself at every moment. You are, in fact, the editor of your mind: you are the programmer who creates and installs algorithms in yourself. Therefore, feelings of victimisation, guilt, and others do not add up and, on the contrary, will lead anyone into an evolutionary hole to the detriment of an extraordinary experience of a full life on Earth.

Therefore, if you victimise yourself once, or twice when you reach the third time, it is the exact and urgent time for an intense bath of “Instantaneous Asepsis Moments” and correction of the lack of courage and determination.

Law 7 – You will sublimate and effectively launch your life toward infinity when each instant of your journey is no longer superimposed on the other, but instead becomes parallel lines that only meet in infinity, considering that, in the higher law of instants, infinity and time don´t exist.

In this way, you, man or woman (gender does not matter) will become a wonderful human being when you are a generous, evolutionary Creator of Instants, of peace, joy, and happiness for the benefit of the entire planetary group of Earth.

Congratulations, you will no longer be the same after reading this text.

Look at the instant, always be attentive, and don´t let any moment slip away.

Love, and love a lot!

*José Luiz Tejon - PhD in Education-Universidad de La Empresa/Uruguay. Master's degree in Art Education and History of Culture - Mackenzie University. Journalist and Publicist - Harvard, MIT and PACE/USA / Insead in France Specialisation Academic Coordinator of Master Science Food & Agribusiness Management at  Audencia in Nantes/France and FECAP/ Brazil. Managing Partner at Biomarketing and TCA International. Professional Head at Agro Anefac. Writer author and co-author of 35 books. Agro Personality Award 2023/ABAG. Former director of Grupo Estadão, Agroceres and Jacto S/A.


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