José Luiz Tejon

USA: At a crossroads of legitimate values

Publicado em 20/02/2025

José Luiz Tejon from Nantes (France)

The United States of America exists to be the USA.That is its essence.

*José Luiz Tejon

The greatest world power in the domain of human perceptions, a legitimate "USA Dream Power" from the magnificent Hollywood to the Coca Cola with its iconic full skirt bottle.

It is a Marketing action going beyond the limits of ignorance, whose conception was never to serve consumers but  create them where they didn't exist: Mc. Wal. Ford. Disney, Las Vegas. Jazz, Manhattan Project. Country. Rock guitars, Apple. Amazon, Google, Musk “above all super USA's heroes”.

The United States of Harvard where the concept of “Agribusiness” was conceived in 1955, still not understood by the rest of the world, which amounts to USD 4 trillions in the USA + USD 16 trillion outside the USA and which in Brasil means US$ 500 billions, only 2.5% of the global sum. 

I mean the USA from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) a "melting pot" of young entrepreneurs, gathered and encouraged by "Gryffindor" mentors  like Nicholas Negroponte debating with Umberto Eco, the liquid and certainty of the Internet, while we created the Real Plan currency in Brasil and China forged millennia of suffering and the fragments of the cultural revolution, in an admirable capitalist state planning under the command of the communist order. (Marx would be amazed)

The USA now has actually a fierce dragon to face. A monster fight of US$ 20 trillion GDP  USA US$  x 25 China, with one detail to be taken into consideration: China grows 5% per year (compared to a whole Brasil  every 2 years) and, in 10 years, she will assume the position of the largest economy on the planet. 

China has freed their youth to study abroad, return and create in China, what young Italians, Eastern Europeans, Asians, Latinos, English, Irish, Arabs and Jews were doing in Boston, California, Florida and in film studios leveraged by networks and creatives like Amazon's Besos, but doing this from China to the world, as Jack Ma (Alibaba) learned and Deepseek recently surprised the world. It's  admirable, brilliant.

What a mission it must be for the CEO of USA Business to face "The Future + China", a voracious tiger competitor and in a mini planetary war of egos with leaders fighting for a place in the Sun!

This isn't at all, Mr. President Donald Trump!

Please listen, first and very carefully, to "Logical Song" by the British band SuperTRAMP, which has, by the way, a funny similarity to your name.  The Supertramps are, of course, super vagabonds; You, President Trump,  should answer the question that the aforementioned song asks: “Who I Am?”.

It’s either addressing that question, or behaving like a president who stirs up global distractions, much like a bullfighter luring bulls to charge at the ring instead of the matador.

Meanwhile, Mr.Trump revives a great Super American Dream, rallying the world to applaud this spectacle, pitting it against the formidable Chinese dragon.

Either you ask, “Who am I?” , Mr.Trump, or thisp current CEO of the USA won't survive more than 2 years, if his stock of strategies doesn't surpass the level of the “Apprentice Program" and the worn-out Atlantic City resorts and casinos management way.

The Academic Business Elite and the Cultural Magic of the United States will  ever be bigger than any president, and the so-called “Little Guys” , (people without a powerful dream ) that will become the reality of “America Great Again” won't take long to love the new invention of Steve Bannon, another verbose man on the Front of Stage of the show “Inventing Presidents” lucky even if they escape from other crazy people who, driven by other occult forces studied at “Hogwarts”, are always plotting how to attack them, shoot them.

For the USA, there is only one destiny, that of beyond the American Dream for the country becoming a “Global American Dream for All”.

A new, more comprehensive concept, how about a new advertising slogan for the new president: Make America and the entire World Great and Free!.  And with a splendid jingle performed by Barbara Streisand and all the notable artists from  Hollywood and, why not, the “Free” world gathered in a monumental live show, on a global tour presenting a new USA hand in hand with the world towards the next 80 years.

From 1945 to 2025 and until 2105, Together Making America & the World great and Free again!

And everyone in unison, worldwide, singing: “to be free again… to be me again… replacing the word “alone” by together!”

It's time to call on the whole crowd, Mr. President Trump, to shout with all your energy and loudly, “Lucky us, look how lucky we are!”

Free again What a beautiful song!! What a jingle!!  As a pedagogical suggestion, I'd recommend you, Mr.Trump and other members of the US Congress , a critical comparative analysis of Nazi propaganda during WWII to the propaganda of the United States when they entered the war.

Doing this way we'll have a vision of the powerful essence that a US president (if he's a true leader) could never forget: The allied propaganda , created in the United States ,combating Nazi propaganda reveals the guiding thread of legitimate ethical marketing, especially when we talk about the destiny of humanity!

It means the value of the USA that, if modified, will destroy the USA and will give rise, even stronger, to those who propose themselves as the “Staff of the Next 80 Years”.

And our Brasil? Pay attention: the Tropical Belt was and will be our school.

Brasil, a tropical nation made up of all the peoples of the world, always with open arms, human respect, gratitude, partnership.

Domenico de Masi, an Italian sociologist (in memoriam), should be read and reread: “Brasil’s greatest mission is to teach the world to be more Brasilian.”

See you in 2105! Have a good trip!

*José Luiz Tejon – PhD in Education-Universidad de La Empresa/Uruguay. Master's degree in Art Education and History of Culture - Mackenzie University. Journalist and Publicist - Harvard, MIT and PACE/USA/Insead in France Specialisation Academic Coordinator of Master Science Food & Agribusiness Management at Audencia in Nantes/France and FECAP/Brazil. Managing Partner at Biomarketing and TCA International. Professional Head at Agro Anefac. Writer author and Co-author of 37 books. Agro Personality Award 2023. ABAG. Former director of Grupo Estadão, Agroceres and Jacto S/A.


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